home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1994-03-06 | 17.3 KB | 708 lines | [TEXT/KAHL] |
- // see the README file for version notes
- #include "GraphicsModule_Types.h"
- #include "Sounds.h"
- typedef struct sicn {
- unsigned char bits[32];
- } sicnStruct, *sicnPtr, **sicnHandle;
- typedef struct infostruct {
- /*unsigned short*/
- short GND[128]; // ??
- BitMap face;
- Handle faceSICN; // faces resource
- short numFaces;
- short curFace;
- short lastFace;
- short failedToStart; // watchdog
- short time; // "timer" for decay, etc
- short state;
- int x, y,
- xvel, yvel,
- xacc, yacc,
- xpos, ypos;
- int xx, yy; // temp/save values
- Rect myRect;
- Handle sndBounce; // handle to 'boink' sound
- Handle sndScream; // scream sound
- SoundInfoHandle soundInfo; // handle to AD sound thing
- long soundTicks; // sound timer to keep us from
- // sounding yucky
- } infostruct, *infostructPtr, **infostructHandle;
- #define BOING_SOUND_ID 256
- #define SCREAM_SOUND_ID 129
- #define BASE_FACE_ID 256 // MENUs items are 1-based, not 0
- #define DOUBLE_FACE
- #define SOUND_TIMER 3 // wait for # ticks
- // before playing the next one
- #define MAX_ITERATIONS (128)
- unsigned short RangedRdm( unsigned short min, unsigned short max );
- void SetInhibited(infostructPtr info, int Usage);
- int drawit(GMParamBlockPtr params, infostructPtr info, int x, int y );
- int decay(int v);
- #if 1
- #define XMIN (params->qdGlobalsCopy->qdThePort->portRect.left)
- #define YMIN (params->qdGlobalsCopy->qdThePort->portRect.top)
- #define XMAX (params->qdGlobalsCopy->qdThePort->portRect.right)
- #define YMAX (params->qdGlobalsCopy->qdThePort->portRect.bottom)
- #define TOP YMIN
- #define BOT (YMAX-1)
- #else
- #define HEIGHT 16
- #define WIDTH 16
- #define XMIN 0
- #define YMIN 0
- #define XMAX 511
- #define YMAX 341
- #define TOP YMIN
- #define BOT (YMAX-1)
- #endif
- enum {
- };
- // these are the functs that need defined ...
- OSErr DoInitialize(Handle *storage, RgnHandle blankRgn, GMParamBlockPtr params);
- OSErr DoClose(Handle storage, RgnHandle blankRgn, GMParamBlockPtr params);
- OSErr DoBlank(Handle storage, RgnHandle blankRgn, GMParamBlockPtr params);
- OSErr DoDrawFrame(Handle storage, RgnHandle blankRgn, GMParamBlockPtr params);
- OSErr DoSetUp(RgnHandle blankRgn, short message, GMParamBlockPtr params);
- // extra ones
- OSErr DoSelected(RgnHandle blankRgn, short message, GMParamBlockPtr params);
- OSErr DoAboutBox(RgnHandle blankRgn, short message, GMParamBlockPtr params);
- // this is borrowed from the example code from Bouncing Ball ...
- /* some macros to simplify synchronizing to the vertical retrace. */
- #define SynchFlag(m) (params->monitors->monitorList[m].synchFlag)
- #define SynchVBL(m) synchFlag = &SynchFlag(m); *synchFlag = false; while(!*synchFlag);
- static unsigned char facebits[32] = {
- 0x07, 0xe0, 0x18, 0x18, 0x20, 0x04, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42,
- 0x82, 0x41, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x84, 0x21, 0x88, 0x11,
- 0x94, 0x29, 0x43, 0xc2, 0x40, 0x02, 0x20, 0x04, 0x18, 0x18,
- 0x07, 0xe0
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // this is the first funct called by AD ... we need to allocate and initialize here
- OSErr
- DoInitialize(Handle *storage, RgnHandle blankRgn, GMParamBlockPtr params) {
- Handle h;
- infostructPtr info;
- short offRowBytes;
- // error messages
- StringPtr spaceErrMsg = (StringPtr)"\prae: Not enough memory!!";
- // misc vars ..
- short i;
- // Randomize...
- params->qdGlobalsCopy->qdRandSeed = TickCount();
- h = NewHandle( sizeof(infostruct) );
- if (h == (Handle)nil) {
- BlockMove(spaceErrMsg, params->errorMessage, spaceErrMsg[0]+1);
- return ModuleError;
- }
- *storage = h;
- MoveHHi(h);
- HLock(h);
- info = (infostructPtr)(*h);
- info->myRect = params->qdGlobalsCopy->qdThePort->portRect;
- // SetRect( &(info->myRect), 0, 0, XMAX+1, YMAX+1);
- // sound?
- if (params->systemConfig & SoundAvailable) {
- info->sndBounce = GetResource('snd ', BOING_SOUND_ID + params->controlValues[1]);
- info->sndScream = GetResource('snd ', SCREAM_SOUND_ID);
- }
- if (info->sndBounce != (Handle)NULL || info->sndScream != (Handle)NULL )
- info->soundInfo = OpenSound(params);
- else info->soundInfo = NULL;
- info->soundTicks = TickCount();
- info->faceSICN = GetResource('SICN', BASE_FACE_ID + params->controlValues[1]);
- MoveHHi( info->faceSICN );
- if (info->faceSICN != (Handle)NULL) {
- info->numFaces = SizeResource( info->faceSICN ) / sizeof(sicnStruct) ;
- info->face.baseAddr = *info->faceSICN;
- info->face.rowBytes = 2;
- SetRect( &(info->face.bounds), 0, 0, 16, 16);
- info->curFace = info->lastFace = 0;
- } else { // fall back to the default, hard-coded facebits
- SysBeep(0);
- // set up the bitmap
- info->face.baseAddr = (QDPtr) &facebits[0];
- info->face.rowBytes = 2;
- SetRect( &(info->face.bounds), 0, 0, 16, 16);
- }
- // set up the GND
- for (i=0; i<128; i++) {
- info->x = i<<3;
- if (info->x <= XMIN+8 || info->x >= XMAX-8)
- info->GND[i] = 0;
- else {
- info->GND[i] = BOT - 9;
- if (i&01)
- if (info->GND[i-1]==0)
- info->GND[i] = 0;
- else
- info->GND[i] -= 7;
- }
- }
- info->state = RAE_STARTING;
- info->failedToStart = 0;
- HUnlock( h);
- return noErr;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // the screen saver has been awakened! time to ditch the storage and wave goodbye
- OSErr
- DoClose(Handle storage, RgnHandle blankRgn, GMParamBlockPtr params) {
- // soundInfoHandle to ditch ??
- if ( ( (infostructPtr)(*storage) )->soundInfo != NULL)
- CloseSound( ((infostructPtr)(*storage) )->soundInfo,
- params->sndChannel);
- // ditch the bounce sound
- if (((infostructPtr)(*storage) )->sndBounce != (Handle)NULL)
- ReleaseResource( ((infostructPtr)(*storage) )->sndBounce );
- // ditch the scream sound also
- if ( ((infostructPtr)(*storage) )->sndScream != (Handle)NULL)
- ReleaseResource( ((infostructPtr)(*storage) )->sndScream);
- // ditch the SICN handle
- if ( ((infostructPtr)(*storage) )->faceSICN != (Handle)NULL)
- ReleaseResource( ((infostructPtr)(*storage) )->faceSICN );
- // finally, ditch the memory we had allocated
- DisposHandle( storage);
- return noErr;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // make the screen go black
- OSErr
- DoBlank(Handle storage, RgnHandle blankRgn, GMParamBlockPtr params) {
- infostructPtr info;
- #if 0 // not used
- HLock(storage);
- info = (infostructPtr)(*storage);
- #endif
- // darken the screen ...
- FillRgn(blankRgn, params->qdGlobalsCopy->qdBlack);
- #if 0 // not used
- HUnlock( storage);
- #endif
- return noErr;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // this is the workhorse routine. It does the continual screen work to make
- // this screen saver what it is.
- OSErr
- DoDrawFrame(Handle storage, RgnHandle blankRgn, GMParamBlockPtr params)
- {
- infostructPtr info;
- Rect tmpRect;
- short a, b;
- RGBColor changecolor;
- HLock(storage);
- info = (infostructPtr)(*storage);
- #ifdef DEBUGIT
- SetRect( &tmpRect, 0, 0, 50, 20);
- EraseRect( &tmpRect);
- MoveTo( 10, 15);
- a = info->xvel;
- b = info->yvel;
- if (a < 0) {
- DrawChar('-');
- DrawChar('0' - a);
- } else {
- DrawChar( '+');
- DrawChar( '0' + a);
- }
- DrawChar('.');
- if (b < 0) {
- DrawChar('-');
- DrawChar('0' - (b/10) );
- DrawChar('0' - (b%10) );
- } else {
- DrawChar('+');
- DrawChar('0' + (b/10) );
- DrawChar('0' + (b%10) );
- }
- #endif
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ALL DONE ... or major reset coming ... boom
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (info->state == RAE_RESET) {
- short i;
- // aaggghhh!!!
- if (info->sndScream != (Handle)NULL ) {
- long waste;
- PlaySound( info->soundInfo, params->sndChannel, info->sndScream);
- Delay(30L, &waste);
- }
- // set up the GND
- for (i=0; i<128; i++) {
- info->x = i<<3;
- if (info->x <= XMIN+8 || info->x >= XMAX-8)
- info->GND[i] = 0;
- else {
- info->GND[i] = BOT - 9;
- if (i&01)
- if (info->GND[i-1]==0)
- info->GND[i] = 0;
- else
- info->GND[i] -= 7;
- }
- }
- // darken the screen ...
- FillRgn(blankRgn, params->qdGlobalsCopy->qdBlack);
- info->state = RAE_STARTING;
- info->failedToStart = 0;
- HUnlock(storage);
- return noErr;
- }
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // BALL DONE start another now
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (info->state == RAE_DONE) {
- info->state = RAE_STARTING;
- info->failedToStart = 0;
- HUnlock(storage);
- return noErr;
- }
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (info->state == RAE_STARTING) {
- if (info->failedToStart > MAX_ITERATIONS) {
- info->state = RAE_RESET;
- HUnlock(storage);
- return noErr;
- }
- info->xpos = Random() & 0177; // 0177 == 127 == 0x7F
- if (info->GND[info->xpos] <= TOP) {
- info->failedToStart++;
- HUnlock(storage);
- return noErr;
- }
- info->failedToStart = 0;
- info->x = (info->xpos) << 3;
- // |01 means an odd number
- // &07 means to ensure only the last 3 bits are on
- // info->xvel = 4 - ((Random()|01) & 07);
- info->xvel = 4 -
- ( (RangedRdm(0, 255) | 01) & 07 );
- info->yacc = 1;
- info->yvel = 1; // was 0
- info->y = TOP;
- info->state = RAE_FALLING;
- info->curFace = info->lastFace = 0;
- info->xx = info->yy = 0; // joe
- drawit(params, info, info->x, info->y);
- HUnlock(storage);
- return noErr;
- }
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (info->state == RAE_FALLING) {
- long waste;
- short eraseX, eraseY; // saved values of where to erase
- // we'll get called into this section with the info->time var incremented
- // through each iteration ...
- info->time++;
- // save the values - so we erase closer to the time
- // when we draw (reduce that flicker)
- eraseX = info->x;
- eraseY = info->y;
- // save the x and the y
- info->xx = info->x;
- info->yy = info->y;
- // update the acceleration
- info->yvel += info->yacc;
- // move it along it's way
- info->y += info->yvel;
- info->x += info->xvel;
- if (info->y > info->GND[info->x>>3]) { /* bounce? */
- // make a noise
- if (info->sndBounce != (Handle)NULL
- #ifdef SOUND_TIMER
- && ( TickCount() > (info->soundTicks + params->controlValues[2] ))
- #else
- && !SoundBusy( info->soundInfo, params->sndChannel)
- #endif
- ) {
- info->soundTicks = TickCount();
- PlaySound( info->soundInfo, params->sndChannel, info->sndBounce);
- }
- #ifdef DOUBLE_FACE
- // if we're going fast, show an extra face, at the bounce
- if (info->yvel>5) {
- short savedFace;
- savedFace = info->lastFace;
- if (info->numFaces > 1) info->curFace = 1;
- drawit(params, info, info->x, info->y); // place the face
- Delay(1L, &waste);
- drawit(params, info, info->x, info->y); // erase the face
- info->lastFace = savedFace;
- } else
- #endif // DOUBLE_FACE
- if (info->numFaces > 1) info->curFace = 1;
- if (info->y <= info->GND[info->xx>>3]) { /* side collision? */
- info->x = info->xx;
- info->xvel = -info->xvel;
- } else if (info->yy <= info->GND[info->x>>3]) { /*bottom? */
- info->y = info->yy;
- info->yvel = -info->yvel;
- } else { /* corner */
- info->x = info->xx;
- info->y = info->yy;
- info->xvel = -info->xvel;
- info->yvel = -info->yvel;
- #if 0
- if (info->xvel == 0) // joehack
- info->xvel = -2;
- if (info->yvel > 0) // joehack
- info->yvel -= info->yacc;
- #endif
- }
- // every 15 bounces (?) (\017) we decay the x velocity
- if ((info->time & 017) == 0)
- info->xvel = decay(info->xvel);
- // is it down to zero ?
- if (info->xvel == 0) {
- info->xpos = (info->x) >> 3;
- // go right
- if (info->GND[info->xpos-1] < info->GND[info->xpos]
- && info->GND[info->xpos] < info->GND[info->xpos+1])
- info->xvel = 1;
- /* go left */
- else if (info->GND[info->xpos-1] > info->GND[info->xpos]
- && info->GND[info->xpos] > info->GND[info->xpos+1])
- info->xvel = -1;
- /* on hilltop */
- else if (info->GND[info->xpos-1] > info->GND[info->xpos]
- && info->GND[info->xpos] < info->GND[info->xpos+1]) {
- if (Random() & 01)
- info->xvel = 1;
- else
- info->xvel = -1;
- }
- }
- // decay the y velocity at each bounce
- info->yvel = decay(info->yvel);
- } // end of 'if BOUNCE'
- else info->curFace = 0;
- if (params->controlValues[0]){
- short saveIt;
- saveIt = info->curFace;
- info->curFace = info->lastFace;
- drawit( params, info, eraseX, eraseY);
- info->curFace = saveIt;
- }
- // place the face (was ->xx, ->yy)
- drawit(params, info, info->x, info->y);
- if (info->xvel==0 && info->yvel==0 && info->y > info->GND[info->x>>3]-4) {
- info->state = RAE_SETTLING;
- HUnlock(storage);
- return noErr;
- }
- } // end of the falling section
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (info->state == RAE_SETTLING) {
- // time to erase it
- drawit(params, info, info->x, info->y);
- info->curFace = 0;
- /* find stable position */
- if (info->GND[(info->xpos)-1] < info->GND[info->xpos] &&
- info->GND[info->xpos] > info->GND[(info->xpos)+1]) {
- // place it?
- drawit(params, info, (info->xpos)<<3, info->GND[info->xpos]);
- // update the "ground" array to know there is something here
- info->GND[info->xpos] -= 21;
- if (info->GND[(info->xpos)-1] <= 0)
- info->GND[info->xpos] -= 7;
- info->GND[(info->xpos)+1] -= 7;
- info->state = RAE_DONE; // all done
- HUnlock(storage);
- return noErr;
- }
- /* roll right */
- if ( info->GND[(info->xpos)-1] < info->GND[info->xpos] &&
- info->GND[info->xpos] < info->GND[(info->xpos)+1]) {
- info->xpos++;
- HUnlock(storage);
- return noErr;
- }
- /* roll left */
- if ( info->GND[(info->xpos)-1] > info->GND[info->xpos] &&
- info->GND[info->xpos] > info->GND[(info->xpos)+1]) {
- info->xpos--;
- HUnlock(storage);
- return noErr;
- }
- /* on hilltop, choose at Random */
- if ( info->GND[(info->xpos)-1] > info->GND[info->xpos] &&
- info->GND[info->xpos] < info->GND[(info->xpos)+1]) {
- if (Random() & 01)
- info->xpos++;
- else
- info->xpos--;
- HUnlock(storage);
- return noErr;
- }
- // none of the above tests worked ... so something is wrong!!!!!
- /* else botch */
- if (info->sndScream != (Handle)NULL ) {
- long waste;
- info->soundTicks = TickCount();
- PlaySound( info->soundInfo, params->sndChannel, info->sndScream);
- Delay(30L, &waste);
- }
- // place the face
- // drawit(params, info, (info->xpos)<<3, info->GND[info->xpos]);
- // erase the screen
- //PaintRect(&(info->myRect) );
- info->state = RAE_RESET; // was RAE_DONE all done
- HUnlock(storage);
- return noErr;
- }
- AllDone:
- HUnlock(storage);
- return noErr;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // this is called when they click on something in the control panel
- OSErr
- DoSetUp(RgnHandle blankRgn, short message, GMParamBlockPtr params) {
- return noErr;
- }
- OSErr DoSelected(RgnHandle blankRgn, short message, GMParamBlockPtr params) {
- return noErr;
- }
- OSErr DoAboutBox(RgnHandle blankRgn, short message, GMParamBlockPtr params) {
- return noErr;
- }
- // drawit - place the rae on the screen
- // pass the params + the locked down pointer to the infostruct
- drawit(params, info, x, y)
- GMParamBlockPtr params;
- infostructPtr info;
- int x,y;
- {
- int i;
- Rect trect;
- RGBColor black = {0,0,0}, White = {65535,65535,65535};
- volatile register Boolean *synchFlag;
- long waste;
- if (x<XMIN)
- x = XMIN+8;
- if (y<TOP)
- y = TOP+8;
- if (x>XMAX)
- x = XMAX-8;
- info->xpos = x>>3;
- if (y > info->GND[info->xpos])
- y = info->GND[info->xpos];
- /* was a call to bitblt() */
- SetRect(&trect, x-12, y-8, x+4, y+8);
- if ( params->colorQDAvail ) {
- RGBForeColor (&black); // added to ensure niceness :)
- RGBBackColor (&White);
- }
- info->face.baseAddr = *info->faceSICN + (info->curFace * sizeof( sicnStruct ) );
- info->lastFace = info->curFace;
- HLock( info->faceSICN );
- SynchVBL( 0 );
- CopyBits(&info->face, ¶ms->qdGlobalsCopy->qdThePort->portBits,
- &info->face.bounds, &trect,
- srcXor, 0L);
- //Delay(1, &waste);
- HUnlock( info->faceSICN);
- }
- decay(v)
- register v;
- {
- if (v==0)
- return(v);
- if (v > 0)
- return(v-1-(v>>3));
- return(v+1-(v>>3));
- }
- // this is from the Think C reference code example ...
- unsigned short RangedRdm( unsigned short min, unsigned short max )
- /* assume that min is less than max */
- {
- // uh ... not this isn't quite right - it's between 0 and 65535, not 65536
- unsigned qdRdm; /* treat return value as 0-65536 */
- long range, t;
- // just to be safe, I'll put this here
- if (min > max) {
- DebugStr("\pMin greater then Max in RangedRdm. Type 'G' and return to continue.");
- return min;
- }
- qdRdm = Random();
- range = max - min;
- // max - min gives us the the difference between max and min ... that is
- // not inclusive. It gives us { min <= range < max }
- // so we never see that max number!!
- range++;
- t = ((long)qdRdm * range) / 65536; /* now 0 <= t <= range */
- return( t+min );
- }